Sunday, May 18, 2008

Analytical Essay!!!

A serious problem in Italy

Pollution is a big problem that nowadays is affecting the whole world. The introduction of contaminants into an environment, seen as a new deadly sin, is presented in some countries in a higher level, one of these is Italy, that is being affected greatly by this problem in many ways; however, this problem should be eradicated to improve the environmental situation and the health of people in Italy.

First of all, pollution is affecting the environment of Italy, being many ways of arriving to the ecosystem such as air and water pollution and oil spills. The “acid rain”
[1]causes damages plants by destroying their leaves, it poisons the soil, and it changes the chemistry of lakes and streams. The smog, caused by chemical reactions between pollutants derived from different sources, primarily automobile exhaust and industrial emissions and Chlorofluorocarbons that are as refrigerants, as solvents in the electronic industry, as aerosol propellants, in fire extinguishers, as dry cleaning solvents. [2]
As a result of these factors that pollute the environment, they can build up to dangerous levels of this problem, causing temperature inversion that occurs when “air close to the earth is cooler than the air above it”[3]. Under these conditions the pollution cannot rise and be dispersed, is not only an Italian problem, because the destruction of the entire world is being the result of this problem. Is not too late to think in how Italy can solve this problem, and how environmental destruction could be avoided in this country.

Furthermore, Italian people are being affected by pollution that brings serious health consequences. People with health problems such as “asthma, heart and lung disease may also suffer more when the air is polluted”
[4]. Also examples of short-term effects of pollution include upper respiratory infections (bronchitis and pneumonia), lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain. For that reason, half a million people die prematurely every year in Italy , also medical conditions arising from air pollution can be very expensive, healthcare costs, lost productivity in the workplace, and human welfare impacts cost billions of dollars each year. [5] It is important to know that not only the environment is being affected, but the risk that has Italian people when they expose their lives to pollution, may reach unto death.

On the other hand, many people believe that there is no solution for the problem. They argue this reason telling that industrial activities are essential for their lives and require the emission of pollutant gases and aerosols using chemicals harmful to the environment. As well, for them awareness is impossible in Italy, being many people that believe that money and power are more important than thinking about the welfare of people that surround them, and they will not working against pollution, being uninterested in know the bad consequences that this problem brings. Is just to think of our world and their care, and this is what they do not do, because people are insensitive and misunderstanding, waiting for others to do what they can do against pollution.

Finally, pollution is a big problem that Italy has to resolve. Considered as a new deadly sin, is affecting the country in different ways, such as people and environment that are being destroyed. Pollution should be eradicated if Italian people join forces to work against this, but they have to start changing Italian minds by awareness people about the harm that they are doing with their activities to their country.

[1] Acid rain: When a pollutant, such as sulfuric acid combines with droplets of water in the air, the water (or snow) can become acidified.

[2] Indoor & OutdoorAir Pollution.


[4] “How can air pollution hurt my health?”.

[5] Ibid.