Wednesday, February 20, 2008


A strength relation with God

My “religion” Is the best thing that I could spend; it fulfills me at all, giving me an unparalleled peace, that you can´t imagine; is amazing, magical, comfortable, and a harmonious life, that you live while you have this strength and fascinating relation with God, when you start with this relation, is natural that with the time you will want to meet and know more of God and the way to make that is reading his word (Bible), is a thing that you can´t stop, is exciting, precious and your live are going to change, your life will take a different way, with other focus and different dreams that you never expected.

Christianity is the name of the religion of all the people that follow Christ and his word, in where you can find all the things that God wants for your life, is like a guide for your life, is perfect, awesome, wonderful; and if you make a comparison between different verses, you see that they have relation and explain unbelievable things that you never had understood. But the religion consist really in a big relation that you have with God, is like a friend, who you can speak, you tell your stories, sins, you give thanks and ask for. Is interesting to know that the relation starts when you receive Christ in your heart and accept him as your savor and you know that is the only one way to com to God; the Bible explain really good how we can go to the heaven, and it says that we just have to believe that God send his son to died in a cross for our sins, to clean all of them, and he suffer for all the people, he came to save all of us, and he resurrect at the third day, God made this because his love is too big and we can´t understand it, also he is merciful ; is not just to believe, because the Bible says that we have to tell to God with our mouth that we believe in his work, and we want to accept Christ as our savior, to change our lives and to live the life that he wants for us.

Your life with Christ change at all, you still being the same, you are a normal person, because legalism always is bad; but you will feel peace in your life that will take another way, you are going to think in other things that are going to be important, no material things or small preoccupations and drivels; the people will see and perceive that you changed and you have a new life, asking you what did you make to change your life, because you are different for all the people, and many of them want to know, how they can change like you did it. You are not going to be perfect, is obvious that you are a human, but the most important thing is that you will try to change, following what God wants for your life.

To speak with God is the most wonderful and sensational experience that you could have; you feel that you are being protected, as save, you will have forces to live difficult times of your life in where he is the only way and exit, he helps you to continue and consoles you. Don´t think in a religion, because is just a personal relation with him in where nobody will know what are you telling to him, and is just to think that he is big to clean our sins, excuse ourselves, Omnipotent to hear at any time and place what we are telling to him; he is offering us a gift, I believe that is the biggest, is wonderfully, beautifully and incomparably; is just to accept Christ in our hearts and believe in his work and dead, giving us this way an eternal life.

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