Sunday, April 20, 2008


Salvatore "Momo" Giancana (born Salvatore Giangana) June 15, 1908June 19, 1975) was a famous Italian-American mobster and boss of the Chicago Outfit from 1956-66. His nicknames were, "Mooney," "Sam the Cigar" and "Sam Flood."[1]

In 1926 Giancana was arrested for murder. However, charges were dropped after the key witness was murdered. He was later sent to prison for theft and burglary. On his release he went to work for leading gangster Paul Ricca. By the 1950s Giancana was one of the leading crime bosses in Chicago.[2]
To explain the criminal career I have to say that Sam Giancana joined the
42 Gang, a juvenile street crew answering to political boss Joseph Esposito (mobster). He soon developed a reputation for being an excellent getaway driver, a high earner and vicious killer. Later the 42 Gang was transformed into a de facto extension of the Chicago Mafia. Furthermore Giancana was involved when President Kennedy was assassinated.

I think that he was the "father" of the modern Mafia: heir of Al Capone, he commanded per years the feared criminal organization more of its time, until one burned the wings to fly too much near the political power.
I choose this famous criminal because he was a big influence for many criminals, in addition frame many stories, since they accused several times of murders and many crimes.

[1] .Sam Giancana. - 50k –

[2] Sam Giancana´s - 75k

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