Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hi I am Daniela Galeano and we are in “The value of your opinion” a program television where all the opinions are listened and important for the people. We will talk and discuss about a recently movie by Agnieszka Holland, that is called Europa Europa, we want to make some questions to a student of the University of La Sabana, who is called Carolyn Cerpa, but firstly is important to introduce the film with a small summarize . In Europa Europa we follow the birth, life and near-death experiences of a young Jewish boy. He is raised Orthodox Jewish. Until the war breaks out and he (around age 12) is separated from his family and ends up living incognito throughout the second World War by his charm and dumb-luck. His journey takes him from Orthodox Judaism into a Russian Leninist/Communist orphanage in Poland for several years. When this group later seeks to escape the invading Nazis - he (Solek) is separated from them and then is assumed to be an Aryan German and is "adopted" into their troop as a kind of mascot. Later, because he is so beloved by the captain of the brigade he is sent to Berlin to attend Hitler's top youth Nazi school. Many adventures ensue. Later still, he gives himself up to the Americans who place him in a prison camp where he ultimately reconnects with his only surviving relative: his brother - Isaac. Together, following the war, they make their way to Palestine/Israel. The power with which this story is filmed and acted left me breathless, wanting to know even more of this story's details. This is drama at its powerful best.

1. So Carolyn we want to know if would you have done the same if you had been in Solly´s situation?

/ If I had been in Solly´s situation I would do the same thing because it was a way to survive, and he did that because he had to, his family was in danger and he had to protect them, so he can´t be doing anything, it was not possible to save all his family, so he had to thought the strategy and the way to escape of his enemies, there were not more options, Also because the Germans attack Poland during the September Campaign, and he and his brother were sent to the East to the areas occupied by Soviet Union. And he did all the things like hide that it was Jewish, to protect itself, thinking that he would see his family again. his family was in danger and he had to protect them, so he can´t be doing anything, it was not possible to save all his family, so he had to thought the strategy and the way to escape of his enemies.

2. How far can we go in order to protect ourselves? Would you be willing to deny your religious beliefs in order to save your life?
We have to do impossible things to protect our family and ourselves, but I thing that is not necessary to kill or hurt people, especially our enemies, we have to be an example for the people that surround our lives, and is better to answer in a different way to the problems, without violence. In the film Solly killed Jewish and German people, being and strategy to hide that he was a Jewish, but I am not agree with that he could thought in other things to hide the truth. I can´t deny my religious beliefs, because in my case God is the one that protect me and help me on difficult times, and decide what could happen or not to me. But always believing in him because he created me. In the film it was a difficult situation, because Solly had to deny his religious beliefs to survive, but I think that it was better that Solly have recognized his beliefs and maybe he was killed, but was a good reason for be killed. In spite of everything, Solly was very brave and strong, because he did impossible things to save his family and itself.

Carolyn thanks for your time, and we hope to be with you in other chapters of this program t, talking about films and their scenes. Good afternoon.

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