Sunday, May 18, 2008

Analytical Essay!!!

A serious problem in Italy

Pollution is a big problem that nowadays is affecting the whole world. The introduction of contaminants into an environment, seen as a new deadly sin, is presented in some countries in a higher level, one of these is Italy, that is being affected greatly by this problem in many ways; however, this problem should be eradicated to improve the environmental situation and the health of people in Italy.

First of all, pollution is affecting the environment of Italy, being many ways of arriving to the ecosystem such as air and water pollution and oil spills. The “acid rain”
[1]causes damages plants by destroying their leaves, it poisons the soil, and it changes the chemistry of lakes and streams. The smog, caused by chemical reactions between pollutants derived from different sources, primarily automobile exhaust and industrial emissions and Chlorofluorocarbons that are as refrigerants, as solvents in the electronic industry, as aerosol propellants, in fire extinguishers, as dry cleaning solvents. [2]
As a result of these factors that pollute the environment, they can build up to dangerous levels of this problem, causing temperature inversion that occurs when “air close to the earth is cooler than the air above it”[3]. Under these conditions the pollution cannot rise and be dispersed, is not only an Italian problem, because the destruction of the entire world is being the result of this problem. Is not too late to think in how Italy can solve this problem, and how environmental destruction could be avoided in this country.

Furthermore, Italian people are being affected by pollution that brings serious health consequences. People with health problems such as “asthma, heart and lung disease may also suffer more when the air is polluted”
[4]. Also examples of short-term effects of pollution include upper respiratory infections (bronchitis and pneumonia), lung cancer, heart disease, and even damage to the brain. For that reason, half a million people die prematurely every year in Italy , also medical conditions arising from air pollution can be very expensive, healthcare costs, lost productivity in the workplace, and human welfare impacts cost billions of dollars each year. [5] It is important to know that not only the environment is being affected, but the risk that has Italian people when they expose their lives to pollution, may reach unto death.

On the other hand, many people believe that there is no solution for the problem. They argue this reason telling that industrial activities are essential for their lives and require the emission of pollutant gases and aerosols using chemicals harmful to the environment. As well, for them awareness is impossible in Italy, being many people that believe that money and power are more important than thinking about the welfare of people that surround them, and they will not working against pollution, being uninterested in know the bad consequences that this problem brings. Is just to think of our world and their care, and this is what they do not do, because people are insensitive and misunderstanding, waiting for others to do what they can do against pollution.

Finally, pollution is a big problem that Italy has to resolve. Considered as a new deadly sin, is affecting the country in different ways, such as people and environment that are being destroyed. Pollution should be eradicated if Italian people join forces to work against this, but they have to start changing Italian minds by awareness people about the harm that they are doing with their activities to their country.

[1] Acid rain: When a pollutant, such as sulfuric acid combines with droplets of water in the air, the water (or snow) can become acidified.

[2] Indoor & OutdoorAir Pollution.


[4] “How can air pollution hurt my health?”.

[5] Ibid.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hi I am Daniela Galeano and we are in “The value of your opinion” a program television where all the opinions are listened and important for the people. We will talk and discuss about a recently movie by Agnieszka Holland, that is called Europa Europa, we want to make some questions to a student of the University of La Sabana, who is called Carolyn Cerpa, but firstly is important to introduce the film with a small summarize . In Europa Europa we follow the birth, life and near-death experiences of a young Jewish boy. He is raised Orthodox Jewish. Until the war breaks out and he (around age 12) is separated from his family and ends up living incognito throughout the second World War by his charm and dumb-luck. His journey takes him from Orthodox Judaism into a Russian Leninist/Communist orphanage in Poland for several years. When this group later seeks to escape the invading Nazis - he (Solek) is separated from them and then is assumed to be an Aryan German and is "adopted" into their troop as a kind of mascot. Later, because he is so beloved by the captain of the brigade he is sent to Berlin to attend Hitler's top youth Nazi school. Many adventures ensue. Later still, he gives himself up to the Americans who place him in a prison camp where he ultimately reconnects with his only surviving relative: his brother - Isaac. Together, following the war, they make their way to Palestine/Israel. The power with which this story is filmed and acted left me breathless, wanting to know even more of this story's details. This is drama at its powerful best.

1. So Carolyn we want to know if would you have done the same if you had been in Solly´s situation?

/ If I had been in Solly´s situation I would do the same thing because it was a way to survive, and he did that because he had to, his family was in danger and he had to protect them, so he can´t be doing anything, it was not possible to save all his family, so he had to thought the strategy and the way to escape of his enemies, there were not more options, Also because the Germans attack Poland during the September Campaign, and he and his brother were sent to the East to the areas occupied by Soviet Union. And he did all the things like hide that it was Jewish, to protect itself, thinking that he would see his family again. his family was in danger and he had to protect them, so he can´t be doing anything, it was not possible to save all his family, so he had to thought the strategy and the way to escape of his enemies.

2. How far can we go in order to protect ourselves? Would you be willing to deny your religious beliefs in order to save your life?
We have to do impossible things to protect our family and ourselves, but I thing that is not necessary to kill or hurt people, especially our enemies, we have to be an example for the people that surround our lives, and is better to answer in a different way to the problems, without violence. In the film Solly killed Jewish and German people, being and strategy to hide that he was a Jewish, but I am not agree with that he could thought in other things to hide the truth. I can´t deny my religious beliefs, because in my case God is the one that protect me and help me on difficult times, and decide what could happen or not to me. But always believing in him because he created me. In the film it was a difficult situation, because Solly had to deny his religious beliefs to survive, but I think that it was better that Solly have recognized his beliefs and maybe he was killed, but was a good reason for be killed. In spite of everything, Solly was very brave and strong, because he did impossible things to save his family and itself.

Carolyn thanks for your time, and we hope to be with you in other chapters of this program t, talking about films and their scenes. Good afternoon.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Salvatore "Momo" Giancana (born Salvatore Giangana) June 15, 1908June 19, 1975) was a famous Italian-American mobster and boss of the Chicago Outfit from 1956-66. His nicknames were, "Mooney," "Sam the Cigar" and "Sam Flood."[1]

In 1926 Giancana was arrested for murder. However, charges were dropped after the key witness was murdered. He was later sent to prison for theft and burglary. On his release he went to work for leading gangster Paul Ricca. By the 1950s Giancana was one of the leading crime bosses in Chicago.[2]
To explain the criminal career I have to say that Sam Giancana joined the
42 Gang, a juvenile street crew answering to political boss Joseph Esposito (mobster). He soon developed a reputation for being an excellent getaway driver, a high earner and vicious killer. Later the 42 Gang was transformed into a de facto extension of the Chicago Mafia. Furthermore Giancana was involved when President Kennedy was assassinated.

I think that he was the "father" of the modern Mafia: heir of Al Capone, he commanded per years the feared criminal organization more of its time, until one burned the wings to fly too much near the political power.
I choose this famous criminal because he was a big influence for many criminals, in addition frame many stories, since they accused several times of murders and many crimes.

[1] .Sam Giancana. - 50k –

[2] Sam Giancana´s - 75k

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Leonardo Da Vinci!!! Italian character

Leonardo Da Vinci is an important character of Italy, he caused an impact on me because he was one of the greatest inventor-scientist of recorded history, also a painter, a sculptor, an architect and an engineer The numerous skills that he has, gave to him the title of renaissance master.
“Da Vinci was dedicated to discovery of truth and the mysteries of nature, and his insightful contributions to science and technology were legendary. As the archetypical Renaissance man, Leonardo helped set an ignorant and superstitous world on a course of reason, science, learning, and tolerance. He was an internationally renowned inventor, scientists, engineer, architect, painter, sculptor, musician, mathematician, anatomist, astronomer, geologists, biologist, and philosopher in his time.” Encarta.2007- Encyclopedia.
Da Vinci used the nature and the mystic things to show those in their pictures, ideas, and his life. Da Vinci was a strength man with his own opinions, and his own artistic style which was unique and contrary to tradition, he always tried to incorporate movement and expression into his own paintings. “All the personages in his works are painted with great accuracy and detail that it is sometimes said that Da Vinci painted from the bones outward.” We have to think that the works of Da Vinci were and still being very important to the people on the whole world, because these works have been preserved over the hundreds of years since Leonardo's time. Da Vinci has wonderful posters such as The Last Supper, The Mona Lisa, and others displayed in Milan and Paris respectively, are among the most influential works ever created.

Monday, April 7, 2008

NeW dEaDlY sIn In ItAlY!!!

In Italy the pollution is a big problem that afects the Italian people, damages caused by road transport at domestic level are increasing the deaths amount to" 23,000 cases (referred to 1995)." - also increase th cardiovascular ailments and respiratory, for that reason the government of Italy is looking for solutions to erradicate the pollution, thinking in make a new rule for permit a less number of cars driving on roads. The pollution also reduce the life expectancy. The research of pollution in this country shows that the pollution surpasses the levels recommended by the European Union, that in a directive establishes a limit of dust particles in the air of 40 micrograms by cubic meter of annual average. Italy has one of the higher densities of car of Europe: "only in Rome there are 76 by each one hundred inhabitants, and the average national is of 56 by each one hundred people.-" I think that Italy has to look for solutions to this problem because is the cause of serious diseases and deaths, so it has to stop the problem with
campaigns and awareness for the people.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

ArGuMmEnTaTiVe EsSaY!!!

Is the Free Trade Agreement a good option for Colombia?

The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was signed on February 26/2006 in Colombia, with Countries such as Peru, Ecuador and USA. “Is an arrangement which establishes unimpeded exchange and flow of goods and services between trading partners regardless of national borders”
[1]. The FTA looks for the creation of a free commercial zone between the countries that are inside the trade. For that reason the Free Trade Agreement should be the option of the development of Colombia.
First of all the FTA helps to the development of Colombian economy, bringing new jobs, because Colombia takes opportunities created by the opening. Furthermore the Colombian companies takes technology and modernization processes, altering the productivity, changing the functions of demand for jobs and the composition of those functions, in terms of the degree of qualification of work. In consequence, the international companies will invest in Colombian ones, helping its growth. It is the case of Crepes and waffles, which takes technology and new processes creating a lot of jobs that need for the competitiveness and productivity, giving opportunities for the Colombian mothers. Moreover the increase of exports is a benefit for Colombia, because the trade permits exports duty-free, and it will be easy to send products towards USA, arriving with goods and services to a national largest market, creating greater opportunities for domestic economic agents. Clearly, the national market is not sufficient to drive the growth of the country and accordingly we must looks for markets abroad; the exports to the countries that are inside the trade, of products such as fruits, vegetables and flowers without paying a weight to them is a benefit to the economy with the entrance of large amounts of money and attracting foreigners to invest in national companies of flowers, fruits and vegetables.
In addition Colombia with the support of USA, try to control the terrorism and guerrilla, creating groups for the save of lives of the people. With the trade Colombia maintain its good relations with the USA that gives to Colombia arms and supplies to fight against these armed groups, a sample of this security increase is that Colombian government is continuing to battle narcotics trafficking, which provides the funding base for illegal armed groups. These efforts took 500 metric tons of cocaine off the market in 2006 alone, depriving terrorist groups of $850 million in funds to buy arms and mount attacks. In addition, the Colombian government has extradited over 450 narcotics traffickers and terrorists to the United States over the past five year.
On the other hand some people think that the FTA is not a good way for the development of the Country, because Colombia is not able to compete with USA a development country and the future we remain in the hands of this country, being disadvantage for the economy of the country, because Colombia is an underdeveloped country with little infrastructure, that has to be able to control, such as routes to transport products, ports, machinery, bridges, railways, warehouses, plant capacity of enterprises and others, needed to compete with the United States. After all the small companies that are the second sector of the economy, are affected because the low productivity and quality and high cost of production that characterized, preventing them from competing in a highly specialized market, leading the small companies to its disappearance, which is very dangerous, as they generate more than 80% employment in the country. Also the Colombia’s population employed in agriculture could be displaced by competition with USA imports and some may turn to coca production or affiliate with armed groups rather than migrate, it is the case of the increased militarization in the rural areas to eradicate drug trafficking and that has already led to massive displacement and the violation of the human rights of indigenous, Afro-Colombian, and communities.
In conclusion, Colombia is an underdeveloped country that needs a solution for this situation, changing its systems, processes, technology and relation with other countries, and the FTA brings new Jobs for Colombian people, security, competitiveness and productivity, also increase the exports, open the market of Colombia to more import competition, encouraging more foreign investment, and strengthening its ties to the world’s largest economy.” It is about being a reliable part­ner in turbulent times. It is also about building long-lasting institutions for economic prosperity and democracy for mil­lions of Colombians.”
[2]Absolutely I think that the FTA should be the option of the development of Colombia.
[1] International
[2] Free Trade Agreement between USA and Colombia. http//FTA-USA-Col.benefits_consec.html

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are a classification of vices that were originally used in early Christian teachings to educate and instruct followers concerning (inmoral) fallen man's tendency to sin. the sins are divided in two categories:

"venial", which are relatively minor, and could be forgiven through any sacrament of the Church, and the more severe "capital" or mortal sin , that destroyed the life of grace, and created the threat of eternal dammation unless either absolved through the sacrament of confession.

The sin that impact me is the avaritia, reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth, a strong desire to gain, especially in money or power. Disloyalty, deliberate betrayal, or treason, especially for personal gain or when compensated. Scavening and hoarding of materials or objects. theft and robbery, especially by violence, trickery, or, worst of all, manipulation of authority.

Is sad to think that many people live for the money and its the dream of many lives, it can be a kind of god, because the people put it as the first think in their lives, is to bad, because many people think that they can´t live without money. Also a strong desire to gain, especially in money or power, will change the people, they will be thinking on material things and objects that go very far in the life, creating violence trough the people.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


A strength relation with God

My “religion” Is the best thing that I could spend; it fulfills me at all, giving me an unparalleled peace, that you can´t imagine; is amazing, magical, comfortable, and a harmonious life, that you live while you have this strength and fascinating relation with God, when you start with this relation, is natural that with the time you will want to meet and know more of God and the way to make that is reading his word (Bible), is a thing that you can´t stop, is exciting, precious and your live are going to change, your life will take a different way, with other focus and different dreams that you never expected.

Christianity is the name of the religion of all the people that follow Christ and his word, in where you can find all the things that God wants for your life, is like a guide for your life, is perfect, awesome, wonderful; and if you make a comparison between different verses, you see that they have relation and explain unbelievable things that you never had understood. But the religion consist really in a big relation that you have with God, is like a friend, who you can speak, you tell your stories, sins, you give thanks and ask for. Is interesting to know that the relation starts when you receive Christ in your heart and accept him as your savor and you know that is the only one way to com to God; the Bible explain really good how we can go to the heaven, and it says that we just have to believe that God send his son to died in a cross for our sins, to clean all of them, and he suffer for all the people, he came to save all of us, and he resurrect at the third day, God made this because his love is too big and we can´t understand it, also he is merciful ; is not just to believe, because the Bible says that we have to tell to God with our mouth that we believe in his work, and we want to accept Christ as our savior, to change our lives and to live the life that he wants for us.

Your life with Christ change at all, you still being the same, you are a normal person, because legalism always is bad; but you will feel peace in your life that will take another way, you are going to think in other things that are going to be important, no material things or small preoccupations and drivels; the people will see and perceive that you changed and you have a new life, asking you what did you make to change your life, because you are different for all the people, and many of them want to know, how they can change like you did it. You are not going to be perfect, is obvious that you are a human, but the most important thing is that you will try to change, following what God wants for your life.

To speak with God is the most wonderful and sensational experience that you could have; you feel that you are being protected, as save, you will have forces to live difficult times of your life in where he is the only way and exit, he helps you to continue and consoles you. Don´t think in a religion, because is just a personal relation with him in where nobody will know what are you telling to him, and is just to think that he is big to clean our sins, excuse ourselves, Omnipotent to hear at any time and place what we are telling to him; he is offering us a gift, I believe that is the biggest, is wonderfully, beautifully and incomparably; is just to accept Christ in our hearts and believe in his work and dead, giving us this way an eternal life.


I just want you closeWhere you can _______ foreverYou can be _______That it will ________better
You and me together_________the days and nightsI don’t worry _______Everythings __________ alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say ________ likeBut _______ know is everything’s gonna be alright
Can get in the way of what I feel for you ( )
Can get it the way of what I’m feeling ( )
No one no one no one ( )Can get in the way of what I feel for you ( )No one no one no one ( )
You you ( )


When the rain is _______downAnd my heart is _________You will always be ________This I know for __________
You and me together_________the days and nightsI don’t worry _______Everythings __________ alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say ________ likeBut _______ know is everything’s gonna be alright
Can get in the way of what I feel for you ( )
Can get it the way of what I’m feeling ( )
No one no one no one ( )Can get in the way of what I feel for you ( )No one no one no one ( )
You you ( )
I know some people _________the worldTo find something ________ what __________I ________ people will tryTry to _______Something so ________So _______ the end of timeI’m telling ___________No one no one no one ( )Can get in the way of what I feel for you ( )Can get in the way of what I’m feeling ( )
No one no one no one ( )oh oh oh … ( )

I just want you closeWhere you can stay foreverYou can be sureThat it will only get betterYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don’t worry cuzEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything’s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I’m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youWhen the rain is pouring downAnd my heart is hurtingYou will always be aroundThis I know for certainYou and me togetherThrough the days and nightsI don’t worry cuzEverythings gonna be alrightPeople keep talkingThey can say what they likeBut all I know is everything’s gonna be alrightNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I’m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youYou youCan get in the way of what I feel for youI know some people search the worldTo find something like what we haveI know people will tryTry to divideSomething so realSo till the end of timeI’m telling you thatNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I’m feelingNo one no one no oneCan get in the way of what I feel for youoh oh oh …


-Which feelings are expresed in the song?
-Are you identified with the song ?
-What do you think about the feelings expresed by the singer in the song?